Home Inspiration

Have That Fireplace You’ve Always Wanted!

By Tiffany Smolick


It is February in New York City!  It is frigid, and any and all thoughts, references, images, ideas about heat, fire, coziness, comfort seem to be first and foremost on our minds.  It is during these months that we wish we had given more thought to that apartment or home that had the FIREPLACE when conducting the search for our latest digs here in the city.

Ok, so don’t despair, there are several viable fireplace options available today that can turn your home into that cozy, warm, orange glow-filled space that you only dream about in these cold cold Winter months.

Some of them are wall inserts, some are contained within a wood, tile, or metal console, some are integrated into a piece of furniture, and others are actually portable and stylish. These options are fantastic looking and can be very affordable.

Give these fireplace examples a look, and do your best at narrowing down which option could be best for you!


1.  Bleached wood contemporary electric fireplace




2.  Ornate inlay electric firelplace



3.  Modern portable gas fireplace



4.  Electric fireplace integrated with furniture shelves



5.  Modern sleek electric corner unit



6.  Free-standing modern reflective piece operating on gas



7.  Modern sleek electric console fireplace



8.  Traditional corner television stand electric fireplace



9.  Decorative room accent fireplace operating on gas



10.  Stacked stone electric console fireplace



And finally, the timeless traditional…

11.  Cast iron stove replica electric fireplace





Hopefully, we have inspired you to run out and purchase one of these very do-able options for having your very own fireplace in you New York City home where you might have thought it previously impossible!

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photos 3, 6, 9, 11 courtesy of www.brit.co/portable-fireplaces
photos 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10 courtesy of www.electricfireplacesdirect.com